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Go High Level Optimize Services

Bruce Jones SEO can help serve your business as a Go High Level Automation expert.

Our GHL support services can help maximize the value of HighLevel agency license by saving your company money, improving staff performance, automating tasks, enhancing customer communication, increasing your profit, and so much more.

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What Our Clients Say



“Bruce Jones is an SEO expert. Through his consultancy, he has delivered a high ROI to my website. I highly recommend his services as he is a master in his SEO methods.”

Mer Shells


“Bruce has helped me immensely. He has been very courteous and understanding of my lack of experience and knowledge. I admire his patience and greatly appreciate his advice and the help he has given me. I recommend him very highly.”

Jim Fortcamp


“I’ve been a Bruce Jones SEO customer for five years now and I am very satisfied with the quality of their work. He is always one step ahead of the competition and his marketing strategies are just unmatched in my opinion. I’ve tried out a few other SEO agencies but they either didn’t have any experience or they charged me insanely high fees.”

Christina Lynch

Working with a Go High Level automation expert with twenty years of experience in inbound marketing and SEO means you will get several tiers of digital marketing and sales benefits, with CRM automation being the cherry on top.

Businesses and enterprises have hailed GoHighLevel as one of the best all-in-one solutions in the market, making it easier for anyone to engage in more effective pipeline management, lead communication, appointment booking, and so much more.

HighLevel, in its current form, already provides plenty of well-designed CRM tools, including tools for landing pages, email creation, email tracking, lead management, etc.

HighLevel also provides agency license owners unlimited seats, and agencies can also choose to white-label their access to the GoHighLevel platform, making it an ideal choice for digital marketing agencies and digital marketing professionals who wish to improve their campaigns by automating a considerable portion of the tasks related to the online marketing effort. Our GHL support services can maximize the power of this platform.

Come to Bruce Jones SEO and ask us about our Go High Level automation expert services today and let us help you scale your business and agency performance. Our incredible team, led by an inbound marketing expert and SEO scientist, Bruce Jones, will ensure that your HighLevel platform will perform at its best, delivering excellent and consistent results aligned with your current goals and deliverables.

Click Here for a 14 Day Go High Level Free Trial

What Can a Go High Level Automation Expert Do?

The GoHighLevel platform is scalable and offers countless opportunities for increasing marketing efficiency and engagement.

Sign up for Go High Level today!

Below are just some of the things Bruce Jones SEO can help you with:



The source report for Attributions in HighLevel details channels with the most visitors. Thanks to this data, we’ll help you see where expansion is possible and which channels have the most promise.

With a Go High Level, automation expert, you can analyze your marketing efforts, identify effective campaigns and traffic channels, and decide where to allocate your marketing budget based on the information provided in the sources report.

Trigger Links

An excellent technique to capitalize on a recipient’s “click” within an email or SMS is via trigger links on HighLevel. When a contact clicks on a trigger link, the system records the interaction in their activity feed and initiates the workflow’s next step.

If you’re interested in creating campaigns and promotions monthly/quarterly and always want to follow the same procedure, a Go High Level, automation expert can help you. As your Go High Level, automation expert, we can alter the customs value URL to reflect the new “offer URLs.”

Twilio & Mailgun

Twilio is used by hundreds of thousands of companies and millions of developers to create one-of-a-kind, tailored experiences for their clientele.

IT experts and programmers use Mailgun’s robust API to send, receive, and monitor email communications. It allows developers to send transactional emails, track their success, and fine-tune those messages for maximum open and click-through rates.

You can improve efficiency on both platforms with Go High Level, automation expert services.

Google Business Profile Setup

With a Google Business Profile, agencies can quickly establish a profile on the world’s most widely used search engine. Establishing a Google Business Profile allows companies to list their contact information, customer reviews, business hours, and so much more for users to read and use. Our Go High Level, automation expert services can help you create the most professional-looking Google Business Profile, complete with detailed completion of categories and other important aspects of the GBP.

Facebook Setup

Let our Go High Level, automation expert services help you with automation with Facebook for Business, too! In the context of HighLevel assistance, Facebook Setup refers to using tools and software to automate various tasks related to managing a business’s presence on Facebook.

These tasks include scheduling posts, responding to messages, tracking analytics, and more. Automation tools can save businesses time and resources by streamlining their social media management processes and allowing them to focus on other essential tasks. Businesses can use HighLevel to schedule posts in advance, monitor engagement, and analyze their performance metrics.

Zapier Integrations

Over 2 million individuals use Zapier to automate their app workflows with connected apps, or Zaps. Connecting your app’s API to the Zapier platform allows sharing data, notifications, and actions with more than 5,000 other popular apps.

Every Zap has a starting point, which is an event in one app, and an ending point, which is an action that takes place in another software or app. These triggers and actions handle the input, API interaction, and subsequent output.

In every Zap, the first step is the trigger, which checks for updates to data at regular intervals (with polling triggers) or awaits instructions from your AP.

The input is then used in subsequent phases, or actions, to do tasks like searching for data using GET calls or creating new or updating existing items in an app using PUT or POST calls.

Similar to triggers and campaigns, but with far more possibilities, workflows make it easy to develop automation with actions and triggers. In addition to these features, workflows can use if-else expressions, wait periods, mathematical operations, and more. Compared to automation solutions like campaigns and triggers, workflows are far more robust and feature-rich.

Automation can be made more specific and tailored with the help of workflows. Integrating triggers and campaigns into a single framework simplifies the process and increases productivity.

The status/execution log in a workflow is a helpful tool for troubleshooting and monitoring lead progress.

Quality assurance testing of workflows is simplified during product onboarding and release, boosting confidence in the product’s readiness for customers. To simplify the automation process, you can integrate current campaigns into complex HighLevel workflows before adding triggers. Our GHL support can help you achieve more with all these workflows.

Eliza is an AI-powered booking bot that helps integrate a conversational tool into your processes to schedule appointments quickly and easily for your customers. Google’s Dialogflow technology develops Eliza, allowing for robust, automated booking conversations with your customers. Our GHL support can help setup and monitor the performance of Eliza for your enterprise/company.

AI chatbots may respond to customer inquiries 24 hours a day, seven days a week. This ensures that customers can access help whenever needed, boosting loyalty and customer satisfaction.

Using AI chatbots to handle consumer inquiries can be less expensive than hiring a team of customer support personnel. AI chatbots can handle many interactions at the same time, saving time and reducing labor needs.

AI chatbots can use customer data to tailor their interactions with customers. AI chatbots can deliver solutions and personalized recommendations by studying previous encounters, which can increase loyalty and customer satisfaction.

The GoHighLevel platform relies heavily on email marketing. It’s easy to use and offers all the features you need to manage your email marketing campaigns. Our Go High Level, automation expert can also help in this regard. GoHighLevel gives you all the tools to make beautiful, effective marketing emails and conduct campaigns.

You can start from scratch when designing an email or using one of many premade templates. The UI is intuitive and fully customizable, thanks to the drag-and-drop functionality. Once the email has been designed, it may be sent in various ways and incorporated into triggers events and workflows using GoHighLevel.

Whether running a campaign for yourself or on behalf of a client, GoHighLevel can help you produce effective marketing emails. You can use email as part of a larger multi-channel marketing strategy, send out one-off emails to specific persons or groups of contacts, or set up a series of emails to be delivered regularly. There is no limit on the number of clients you can create or the number of campaigns you can run simultaneously with GoHighLevel. In this regard, the email marketing function has no bounds.

Your agency  must implement specific methods and procedures to design a high-converting landing page. Adhering to the best practices in landing page creation ensures that your landing page provides visitors with all the information they need to become paying clients. As a bonus, you’ll be able to increase sales by writing concise, convincing copy that compels readers to act.

Bruce Jones SEO’s GHL support services can help you create compelling copy and landing pages with GoHighLevel’s existing landing page creation tools.

Frequently Asked Questions: Marketing and Sales CRM

Is GoHighLevel suitable for e-commerce?

GoHighLevel allows you to make and sell things, but it was not designed for intensive or extensive online trade. Because of this, it can’t serve this function.

However, the GoHighLevel platform can be used for advertising after being integrated with Shopify or another e-commerce site using Zapier. Using the platform’s product creation function, you can create listings for goods and services on GoHighLevel.

You may include these listings in your websites, like sales funnels, to start making a profit. However, this is a significant caveat, GoHighLevel is not equipped for standalone e-commerce sites. GoHighLevel offers a primary product list manager, too.

You can sell a single item or bundle on GoHighLevel, but a platform like Shopify is more suitable if you want to create an e-commerce empire. Nevertheless, remember that GoHighLevel has a direct Shopify connection capacity that enables you to carry out some advertising tasks without ever leaving the platform.

How does CRM help companies?

“customer relationship management” refers to a suite of related, data-driven applications that assist businesses in managing, tracking, and saving data about their existing and potential clientele. By collecting and storing this data in one place, businesses may quickly and easily gain the required insights.

Suppose your company isn’t using a customer relationship management system. In that case, it could be losing out on growth chances and money since it isn’t making the most of its sales leads and customer relationships.

Not too long ago, firms used siloed systems that were typically paper-based tools to keep track of client data. The lack of automation and integrations slowed the capacity to launch service customers, generate more leads, and make marketing campaigns more effective. There was no way to quickly find information and forward it to the department or team that needed it.

Let’s jump to the present day. CRM systems routinely gather an abundance of data on current and potential clients. Email addresses, phone numbers, company websites, social media posts, transaction records, and support tickets are all examples of this information. Next, the system consolidates the information and creates profiles that may be distributed to the right groups.

Document-sharing apps, AI chatbots, and real-time online chats are just some of the many business tools that integrate with CRM systems. In addition, they feature built-in BI and AI capabilities, which speed up administrative operations and give you insights you can use.

How does email automation work?

Email automation works based on predetermined rules to send communications to consumers based on their actions (or lack thereof). When a consumer signs up for your mailing list, you may automatically send them a welcome email, suggest other products they would like, or remind them they left something in their shopping cart but didn’t buy them.

The time saved by automating routine email chores can be better spent elsewhere, such as replying to customers’ inquiries. It can teach consumers more about your company, inspire them to return, and refresh their memories about why they purchased from you initially.

As a business owner, you know how important it is to make the most of every second. Instead, You’d be working on expanding your company rather than fielding emails or helping customers. Email marketing is one of those things that you should not have to handle on your own. Thankfully, email automation can help you save both time and money.

    Bruce Jones, SEO Consultant

    About Bruce Jones

    SEO Consultant

    An expert in the art of search engine optimization strategy and thinking like a customer. Past digital marketing agency owner for 10 years and taught at a local college. Has held 7 Google certifications and always enjoys learning new software and techniques.  Bruce has led many seminars and workshops over the course of his 17 years of experience in SEO consulting.

    Bruce Jones, SEO Consultant