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Writing for SEO optimization is not the same as writing for

blogs articles press releases

SEO writing services must follow best practices to make your page optimized for SERPs. This involves the minimum amount of words, updated content, use of authoritative sources to build well-researched content and backlinking, right choice and position of keywords, easy to read and understand.

Schedule an appointment, let us optimize your pages for SEO, and convert more.

A big Citation quote floates front a laptop with a optimized website.

Writing for SEO optimization is not the same as writing for

blogs articles press releases

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What Our Clients Say



“Finding business partners that are knowledgeable, operate with integrity and are truly invested in your success isn’t easy in today’s world. Bruce Jones is all of those things. I couldn’t recommend a business partner any more highly!”

Brave Exhibits


“Bruce has been an incredibly helpful resource for our mid-size nonprofit organization. He has generously shared his time and talent by walking us through practical and easy-to-understand ways to maximize our online visibility and effectiveness. Highly recommend!”

Molly Henry


“Amazing experience working with Bruce Jones SEO consultant. I would recommend his services to everybody!”

Anne-Claire Haeuser

 SEO writing services must follow best practices to make your page optimized for SERPs. This involves the minimum amount of words, updated content, use of authoritative sources to build well-researched content and backlinking, right choice and position of keywords, easy to read and understand. Schedule an appointment, let us optimize your pages for SEO, and convert more.

SEO writing services:

Content is still king

Running a digital business requires consistent content production that satisfies these five major criteria:

  •       Content presents relevant and up-to-date information.
  •       The content is well-researched and uses authoritative sources, with proper references and links when needed.
  •       Content aligns with short-term or long-term marketing goals.
  •       The title tags of the content match/partially match target keywords.
  •       Comprehensive content that garners a higher “Content Grade” via Clearscope.

Word counting

The average word count of a top ten result on Google is at least 1,447 words. For content to rank on Google, it has to be authentic, comprehensive, relevant to the audience, and fully engage readers. If a steady stream of organic traffic is your short-term/long-term goal for your site, then you need to plan your content thoroughly. We can help you understand what type of content would boost your branding efforts and steadily improve results.

Typing and word counting

You can have good content, but why not have amazing content that outranks your competition with minimal effort?

SEO writing strategy

Content has evolved greatly in the past 20 years that the content that succeeded in 2000 would have minimal chances of ranking now. Here’s why:

  • Content with link authority and 3.8x more backlinks are consistently on top of search rankings.

  • All new content this year and beyond needs to be comprehensive and authoritative.

  • Page authority doesn’t directly determine content authority. That means new sites can appear on top if they provide the kind of content that Google evaluates as comprehensive enough and authoritative enough.

  • Content that causes people to stay longer on the page win.

Sky high your website position on search pages.

Talk to an expert today.

Sky high with SEO writing
Website content

Website Content

The average word count of a top ten result on Google is at least 1,447 words. For content to rank on Google, it has to be authentic, comprehensive, relevant to the audience, and fully engage readers. If a steady stream of organic traffic is your short-term/long-term goal for your site, then you need to plan your content thoroughly. We can help you understand what type of content would boost your branding efforts and steadily improve results.


Blog posts are the foremost fuel for garnering online visibility. Your business can only capitalize on a growing social media presence if you have engaging content to give to your audience. Blogs should inspire, motivate, and cause people to take action. The blogs that are shared the most today have stories to tell and wisdom to share. Are you ready to sell 2.0 with blogging?

You need professional writing services for your blog if:

  •       Your blog’s content is not being shared.
  •       You struggle with getting readers.
  •       Your content pages have high bounce rates.
  •       You have no content calendar, strategy, or any workflow tied with analytics and your community.

Guest Blogging

Grab guest blogging opportunities to take advantage of other sites’ authoritative ranking (and even your competition). Guest blogging provides three clear advantages:

  •       Position yourself as an expert or authority on a domain or topic and granting your business the same aura because you’re going to get a link back to your site through the guest post or on the author’s bio section.
  •       Increase site traffic through exposure on another site.
  •       You are generating quality backlinks, which are crucial for improving your site’s surfacing on search results.

Our professional writing services can give you that edge with guest blogging. Guest blogging assistance includes:

  •       Creating pitches that editors/site owners will love.
  •       I am providing a short draft when needed.
  •       Comprehensive research with a focus on topics that matters to you the most.
  •       Writing blogs that other site owners would be proud to have on their blogs.
    landing page

    Landing Pages

    Landing pages are essential, standalone pages where visitors’ land’ when they click a social media link, PPC ad, or any other link generated for an advertising campaign. You can also send leads or customers to landing pages via email, SMS, instant messaging, etc.

    The landing page’s sole purpose is to motivate the reader to take quick and decisive action. It has a CTA (call-to-action) and highly focused content that motivates people to sign up for a free download, subscribe to a service, or buy a product. The biggest difference between a landing page and a public web page is that landing pages do not encourage exploration of other pages. The landing page keeps the audience riveted with its content so that, ultimately, customers will take action.

    We can help you design and write landing pages that convert. If your landing pages have not been converting, then something may be wrong with how the landing pages were designed, and the copy/text might be misaligned, too. Increase conversion rates and vastly improve your bottom line this year by changing how your landing pages look and improving how you relay the message.

      Press releases

      Press Releases

      Press releases provide media mileage to businesses. They inspire customers to trust your brand and do business with you. Many websites specialize in distributing press releases. However, before you can take advantage of these services, someone must write your press release at a professional, journalistic level. We can provide professionally-written press releases for any business, market, or industry. Press releases need to be written with a clear and steady voice and in the right format.

        Press releases
        Keywords building

        Business Descriptions with Focus Keywords

        For customers to fully understand your business, you need to provide them with targeted business descriptions with the right focus keywords. Focus keywords string your content to your service area or the general location that you serve. Business descriptions also reveal the business’ foresight, goals, and vision as it continues to engage customers and the industry that it serves.

        The addition of focus keywords will vastly improve your chances of being surfaced on search results when potential customers perform local searches. Business descriptions need to be engaging and useful, and these descriptions should provide your customers a clear idea of how your products and services can solve their problems. 

        Bruce Jones SEO - Structured data expert

        Do you want to know how SEO Writing Services can benefit your business?

        Schedule an appointment with us. We will be happy to clarify your questions.

        Bruce Jones SEO Writing Expert