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SEO reporting and website analytics. The image shows a magnifying glass and gears.

Search Engine Optimization reporting services for monitoring your website’s success.

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What Our Clients Say



“Our website’s performance, “searchability,” and the data that we’re now able to pull have never been better, thanks to the SEO tools Bruce and his team provided. We now have a Google My Business page that directly links to our site, which has helped our organization maximize our reach and impact. Prior to Bruce, we weren’t even aware of keywords, backlinks, and the importance of SEO. Now, they’re an indispensable part of web presence, as are the services Bruce provides. Highly recommend.”

Aaron Fisher


“Thank you for helping us set up our language school’s Google my Business in the Philippines. Great help, salute!”

Keynes International


“After hiring expert after expert who did not do anything for my sites, I found Bruce. In just one hour, I learned more actionable SEO steps from him than I have over the last 6 years of my own DIY research. He wants you to be successful and you can tell he knows exactly what to do to get your there.”

Jackelyn Ho

There is no correct way to “do” SEO, simply because there are so many different things you can do when it comes to optimization for your business and no cookie cutter formula for getting it right. One common factor that every SEO strategy does have, however, is a good reporting system to track both you and your competitors’ SEO evolution. In the same way that you cannot know if a medication is having effect without running tests and monitoring the patient, you cannot know if your search engine optimization efforts are actually benefiting your business without running the proper reports.

Determining your SEO Reporting Strategy

Now, there are many different reports available, but who has time to look at all of that data? One of the best ways you can contribute to bettering your marketing and SEO strategy is by determining a reporting system that uses the tools most useful to tracking the elements of SEO that matter the most for your success, and keeping a close eye on changes in these aspects.

With so many different reporting systems out there, it really depends on the company as to which makes the most sense. Our SEO consulting services offer custom-reporting strategies adapted to your business’ needs and goals. While reporting will vary for each client, some of our tried and trusted tools include:

Google Analytics Logo

• Google Analytics

A lot of people do not realize the power of Google Analytics when it comes to SEO reporting. With this reporting tool, you can generate monthly reports of all different kinds to see how your website and its keywords are doing. This also includes custom reporting that your SEO consultant can set up specifically for your business needs. Some of the best reporting tools include: 

  • Audience reports: to get to know your users.
  • Setting up and tracking your goals: monitoring user activity and conversions, plus focusing on specific goals, like a thank you page put in place for after someone places an order.
  • Campaign measurement: to see which of your strategies are the most effective.
  • Flow visualization: get flow visualization reports to track each step that a viewer takes on your website.
  • Custom reports: reporting on the data of your choice, based on your needs.



Google Analytics Logo

• Statcounter and Geogrid

Statcounter is another powerful SEO reporting tool, which offers insight into different facets of you SEO journey. This tool tends to offer more precise and detailed statistics and analytics regarding your website visitors: where people are from, where they went on your website, what they searched, and more regarding how their experience looked. Like Google Analytics, these statistics can be set up and configured for your website’s needs in order to generate reports regularly.

 Geogrid for local search results laid out in a grid on top of your city.



    Custom Monthly

    Reporting and Analysis

    With Bruce Jones SEO Consultant, you will be set up to receive monthly and periodic reports containing the information that you need in order to implement and monitor change to your website. Google Analytics, Statcounter, and other tools pertaining to your business, including a reporting system we build ourselves to capture the most vital analytics and harness the true power of your website and marketing strategy. Get in touch with me regarding your SEO reporting and learn more about how the right analytics can make all the difference.

      Monthly Website Maintenance
      Bruce Jones SEO - Structured data expert

      Do you want to know how SEO Reports can benefit your business?

      Schedule an appointment with us. We will be happy to answer your questions.

      Bruce Jones SEO - Structured Data Expert