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Structured Data

Let us organize your SEO through our Structured Data Services

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What Our Clients Say



“Working with Bruce has been so beneficial for our company. He gives us the answers we need for SEO and social media questions. Great consulting service!”

Betsy Peake


“Bruce Jones is a great SEO and marketing consultant. He has helped me with many of my campaigns, and his work is always excellent! I highly recommend hiring him for your next campaign.

Grace Ramirez


“My husband Jason and I are working with Bruce to improve the SEO of our small business, Edge Music Academy, and are so impressed by his level of knowledge and professionalism. Within a few short weeks, our position on Google and traffic to our page has skyrocketed! We are so happy to be working with Bruce as a consultant on our SEO.”

Elizabeth Weiner

Structured Data SEO tells Google what kind of content you have on your website easily and fast. Through the right keywords and coding, your website can be number one in Google’s choice during users’ search.

Contact us and bring your website SEO to the next level.

Before Structured Data ServiceAfter Structured Data Service

Structured Data SEO will help your business to:

Rank higher in Google

Rank higher in Google and Bing search pages.

User Experience Gauge

Provide a complete answer for queries and a better user experience.

Clear information for local shoppers

Present clear and quality information to local shoppers.

google logo

How Google content search works?

add structured data gears

How Google’s content search works?

Google and other search engines use indexing to understand the content of web pages. They make use of sophisticated algorithms.

Google search
Machine learning
structured data service laptop

Machine learning

In recent years, Google has steadily invested in machine learning and AI, and the shift to natural language processing has been palpable. However, the current state of machine learning still has many limitations. For one, Google and other search engines that utilize ML/AI still don’t fully understand the context of everything they index.

structured data like file cabinet

Organizing Data

With this being the case, Google uses structured data to understand what pages are about. So you’ll have a better online presence if you make it easier for search engines like Bing and Google to understand your website and all its folders and pages. This is what structured data is genuinely about.

Structured data organizes your website
structured data addition service

Let our SEO experts be the human
touch of your website’s data.

Talk to an expert today.

Human touch to website data
domino organization

What is Structured Data SEO?

Structured data makes pages much more understandable to search engines. As a result, your site has the potential benefit of being ranked higher in SERPs because of a change in the markup or HTML code.

There will be a domino effect – when you have optimal page markup, there will be more organic traffic, and a potential increase in CTR and conversions will follow. Google also needs well-wrought structured data to feature sites and pages in rich snippets.

domino organization
get rich snippets

Rich snippets in SERPs give customers a better understanding of services and products. In addition, user experience is further improved by obtaining relevant information from structured data. 

You can better promote your branding and business sustainably and progressively with structured data.

Structure data also aids in the retention of your company’s name in the minds of your target audience. You can use it to describe on-page content using a set of keywords or HTML tags. It tells search engines what kind of content you have on your site. The markup tags must be incorporated into the HTML source code of your website to use schema markup.

local seo open for business

What is Local Business Schema?

A type of SEO structured data, local business schema, can be added to your website to allow search engine AIs to understand better the kind of business you have and what you do. As a significant ranking factor, deploying this schema is an effective method for improving your business’ local SEO efforts.


local seo open for business

Experts recommend that a business hire a company to add schema for consistent results. A company specializing in structured data SEO will be familiar with the recommended standards for site schema. Such a company won’t inadvertently end up putting the wrong markup code on your site. When you hire a firm to add structure data, you will be guaranteed that the code is compliant with industry best practices, and they won’t penalize you. A local business schema can also be used for keywords SEO, so you can easily integrate important, relevant, and high-converting keyword phrases directly into the part of the page that search engines read closely. Below are some examples of markups related to local business schemas:


  •    The type of business you are engaged in
  •    Images
  •    Phone number
  •    Name of the business or company
  •    Your business logo
  •   The main description of your business and what you offer
  •   Operation hours (opening hour/closing hour)
  •   Your site’s URL
  •   Other social properties related to your business
  •   Your coordinates on Google Maps/GPS
  •  The phone number for the primary contact point for customers
  •  The physical address of your business
  •  The city/state/province/zip code of your business
  •  Business actions
  •  Menu for food businesses or establishments
  •  Reservations (Y/N)
  •  Sub-department for local businesses

SEO Structured Data Quality Guidelines

There are quality guidelines for structured data SEO, especially for a local business schema, that webmasters should always try to implement when changing a site’s markup or its pages.

  • Read the general quality guidelines from Google. You can find the guidelines here.

  • Strive to add recent and up-to-date information. Search engines are big on relevancy, and old data may be ignored. Regularly updating essential sections of your site like the blog, resources page, and location pages is also a good idea.

  • Generate relevant and original content that people will find helpful. While the markup or code change is essential, Google still ranks pages based on their usefulness. Optimizing gives your site an edge – it’s not the entire effort. If you don’t have any content for customers, don’t count on generating organic traffic.

  • Do not add misleading content or false information to the structured data. If you hire a company to add schema, make it clear that you want to be upfront about these changes, and you only want to describe the content of each page. It’s also a bad idea for a page to have structured data that misleads users. The content of the page should be the focus of the structured data.

  • Never use a local business schema to pretend to be another person or organization. Impersonation can get you kicked off the SERPs quickly, and yes, people can report fake pages to Google. Google swiftly penalizes such websites by preventing them from appearing in search results. This has been Google’s long-term strategy to convince businesses to play fairly.

  • SEO structured data must never contain information that promotes products and activities that will cause harm to others. However, search engines allow such markups if your goal is to educate others about the risks of certain products and activities.

  • Aim for the complete and most accurate representation of your business or the content on the page.

  • Be as specific as you can when recommending properties to users.

  • Ideally, all structured data should be placed on the specific page described.

  • When you hire a company to add structure data, be sure that they put the same structured data on duplicate pages.

  • When adding images, ascertain that the image is the most accurate representation for the page. Then, only add content and other elements that enrich the page without misleading the user.

  • A page with multiple sections or fields should be marked in structured data – including media snippets. 
Bruce Jones SEO - Structured data expert

Do you want to know how Structured Data SEO Services can benefit your business?

Schedule an appointment with us. We will be happy to answer your questions.

Bruce Jones SEO - Structured Data Expert