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If you're a web designer, you know that search engine optimization (SEO) is essential to the success of your website.
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SEO For Web Designers

by | Jan 3, 2022 | SEO Consulting Tips

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How we work with web design agencies and marketing firms

From an end user’s point of view once they get a new website designed the next logical step is to get it search engine optimized right?

I might argue that SEO strategy and keyword research should be done even before the planning of the website, way before it starts getting designed.  That way you can take advantage of keywords in the graphic file names, URL structure and many other spots that are hard to do after the fact. Optimizing after design leaves many missed opportunities on the table that could have been leveraged for even higher rankings.

I know that there are many design and marketing companies out there and not all of them happen to have a strong SEO background. We can help with that!

Some of the ways we can help your web design agency when it comes to search engine optimization.

  • Help with keyword research, strategy and how to build the most search engine optimized website for your client from the start. We can attend your client discovery and onboarding meetings to offer suggestions and lend credibility to your firm when it comes to inbound marketing.  
  • Work with your existing clients to explain things that they can do themselves to help rank better of go over monthly progress reports with them.
  • If you write blog posts for clients I can help develop topics, keywords and content pillars to be the most effective.
  • We can be your outsourced SEO department at least temporarily until you have a client or two and get staff in place to take over. 
  • Besides helping on the web design client side of your business, we can also work with you to help search engine optimize your own website design agency website and get more web design clients in the first place.

Under no circumstances would we be interested in “stealing your clients” and would be happy to sign any noncompete or nondisclosure agreements.     

If interested in learning more about how SEO can help you sell more website designs please contact us.



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