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“100% excellent service! Great communication. Extremely competent.”

Corporate King


“Bruce has been an incredibly helpful resource for our mid-size nonprofit organization. He has generously shared his time and talent by walking us through practical and easy-to-understand ways to maximize our online visibility and effectiveness. Highly recommend!”

Molly Henry


“After hiring expert after expert who did not do anything for my sites, I found Bruce. In just one hour, I learned more actionable SEO steps from him than I have over the last 6 years of my own DIY research. He wants you to be successful and you can tell he knows exactly what to do to get your there.”

Jackelyn Ho

Find Easy Fixes That Really Help Website Rankings


Website audits are a valuable investment for any search engine optimization or digital marketing strategy. A website audit, also referred to as an SEO audit, is an evaluation of a website, which “grades” the site on its ability to appear in search engine results pages (SERPs). This process works by conducting different kinds of assessments to find any issues that may need to be repaired or improved to boost SEO performance.

Website audits: a necessary tool for businesses doing digital marketing

 Audits are important for all websites, not only those that do not seem well made. Even if your site may seem clean and well built, appearances can be deceiving. Underneath the outside appearance of a website, there exists an entire internal dimension which cannot be seen by humans, but is being read by Google. If Google cannot properly ready your website, all of your hard work might be going to waste. 

An SEO website audit is often the answer to your SEO and marketing prayers. Through website audits, you can boost your sites rankings and attract more visitors, leads, and most importantly, sales and revenue. 

Happy woman after get better results with SEO audit

Some reasons you might choose to perform an audit are to:

Website's SEO performance and efficiency

Get a general overview of your website’s SEO efficiency and performance

Discover your website’s weaknesses so that you can fix them 

Identify changes that need to be made and understand how to go about it 

Compare yourself to competitors

Set expectations for your future online strategy 

Coducting a website audit: 4 critical assesments


1. Content and performance

Website audits usually evaluate a site for its content and technical performance. This inspection includes a critical analysis of elements such as website friendliness towards search engines (aka “Googleability”), ease of navigation for users, and technical framework and infrastructure. 

The website assessment includes different elements of content and performance, such as: 

  • Content quality;
  • Grammatical and spelling errors;
  • Factual inaccuracies;
  • Duplicate content;
  • Call to act;
  • Website speed;
  • Usability.



A megaphone and a rocket rise from a lpatop screen, optimizing the content and performance of website.
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2. SEO assesments

The SEO assessment will identify any missed SEO opportunities, as well as raise awareness of any poorly executed SEO attempts (for example keyword stuffing) throughout your website. With this assessment, you can re-focus your SEO strategy and ensure you are following SEO good practices. 

For the SEO portion of the audit, assessment of your website focuses on: 


  • SEO optimization;
  • Keyword performance and quality;
  • Relevant content;
  • On-page SEO;
  • Optimized website URLS;
  • Site structure;
  • Landing page optimization.

3. Conversion assestment

For insight on lead generation and conversion, a conversion rate assessment identifies previously overlooked opportunities and deficiencies throughout your website and its landing pages. 

Some of the elements of this order are: 

  • Lead generation and conversion optimization;
  • Market offerings: variety and visibility;
  • Landing pages and conversion forms;
  • Conversion opportunities for visitors;
  • Calls to action usage.
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structured website connections - hire us

3. Technical assestments

Once the first three assessments addressing the most important goals have been conducted, you can opt for a technical assessment to do an evaluation of the user experience. This evaluation is a sort of carry-over from the three above-mentioned “main” assessments, analyzing them specifically based on user experience.

Here are some elements of the technical assessment:

  • Responsive design;
  • Colors;
  • Use of images and video;
  • CTA and “above the fold” technique;
  • Reassurance;
  • DNS settings;
  • Mobile-friendly;
  • Keyword research;
  • Integration of the SEO strategy;
  • Site speed and load time;
  • Crawling and indexing criteria;
  • Canonicalization of content.

    When is an SEO audit necessary? 

    Ideally, you should perform a website audit at least once a year, or whenever major changes are made (such as a website revamp or redesign). If you are constantly updating and changing your website and content, then you will want to do it more often. In the end, the more up-to-date your assessments are, the more you can stay on track with your strategy and meet your goals. The good news is that, with a thorough and well-performed website audit performed by an SEO expert, you will get a good evaluation of your website and a simple audit checklist, which you can upkeep yourself afterwards, so that you don’t have to keep dedicating your marketing budget to auditing.

    How to get started with your website audit

    If your website is where you hoped but you’re not seeing the search ranking results, the traffic, or the clients you were expecting to get out of it, you need to run an SEO audit. A website audit is the first step in improving your website, as it works to detect problems and analyze not only your own website but the competitors as well. 

    An SEO consultant can help you to conduct a personalized audit, offering you a thorough report which highlights all important elements of not only SEO but your website as a whole. From there, you can work with your consultant on a custom-made strategy based on the results of your website audit that will ensure that you meet your goals and make the most out of your investment on an online strategy. Get in touch for a preliminary audit and to discuss your SEO and website needs. 

    Bruce Jones SEO - Structured data expert

    Do you want to know how SEO Technical Audits  can benefit your business?

    Schedule an appointment with us. We will be happy to answer your questions.

    Bruce Jones SEO - Structured Data Expert