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Bruce Jones SEO offers the best web hosting solutions for companies of all sizes.

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What Our Clients Say



“Bruce Jones was incredibly knowledgeable in helping us with our Website SEO and Google Business Profile. We are very grateful!”

Lindsay Blades


“Bruce is the best, not only at SEO but also as a trainer. We’ve been working together for a month and he has been a treasure trove of information, tips, and tricks. As an entrepreneur just starting out, I don’t have the budget to hire a company, but I also don’t have the technical foundation to learn SEO all on my own. Hiring Bruce to walk me through it and give me “homework” each week has been the perfect middle ground, for both my budget and my sanity.”

Jillian Jane G.


“It’s great to work with Bruce Jones. He is determined to deliver results no matter of the obstacles down the road. Easy to reach By phone, email or Zoom meetings. Quick response time. Highly recommend”

Kal P

Web Hosting

Bruce Jones SEO offers a comprehensive suite of bespoke web hosting solutions for companies of all sizes. Web hosting is the foundation of every digital business; take great care of your website’s Hosting, and you can expect virtually no downtimes and the most secure experience for all your customers.

We all want to give our customers the best online experience so they’d give us business. That great experience begins with getting professional web hosting services. So start focusing more on your business instead of on it.

 Let our passionate and professional team at Bruce Jones SEO take care of all the moving parts of your website’s web hosting. Discover how web hosting can also improve your SEO and your website’s customer experience rating. Schedule a consultation today!

Three Urgent Areas to Investigate Before Deciding On a New Web Hosting Service

To guarantee that your website is accessible 24/7/365, you begin your journey as a digital entrepreneur by selecting the most dependable web hosting service you can find.

There can’t be any downtime or errors if you want it to be always accessible online, and that depends on the guarantees and actual performance of the Hosting service you choose. A website’s success hinges, in no uncertain terms, on the dependability of its web host. Therefore, there are three critical areas that you must first investigate before signing up for any web Hosting service:


Checking the provider’s uptime guarantee is essential. If you’re looking for a web host you can trust, ensure they guarantee 99.9 percent uptime and zero delays in accessing your site. You need a dependable host to ensure your site is always accessible online. According to studies, an e-commerce site that receives a lot of traffic and relies on it can lose millions of dollars if it goes down for even 30 minutes.

Page Loading Time

The loading time of a website is a good indicator of its usefulness, and loading times can be reduced if access is fast. Conversely, a slow-loading website is the last thing any company wants, but it can happen from overuse of flash, large images, and poor coding.

What Happens During Overuse?

Providers should notify customers and charge overage fees if they go over the storage space or bandwidth allotment for their web hosting plan, but they shouldn’t shut down the service or take the site offline, as this can hurt sales. In addition, nobody wants site visitors to get an error message saying the bandwidth limit has been reached. Most hosting companies take precautions to prevent this, but you should still verify that any fees you incur beyond what you initially anticipated are fair.

A Closer Look at Page Loading Times

The time required for a web page to fully load in the browser window is called page load time. This metric is sometimes referred to as “page speed” (speed of the page load). The total time it takes to load a page includes everything from when you first initiate the process (by clicking a link or typing in the address) to when the page is completely rendered.

Page load times for the same website may vary depending on factors such as the user’s location, browser type, and device used. Nowadays, websites must first be optimized for mobile devices because a staggering 85% of all searches now come from smartphones and tablets. As a result, people use their mobile devices extensively, and if your website is only optimized for desktops, you will have a rough time – and your customers, too!

The servers’ geographic location can also impact page loading times. For example, customers in Asia and the US may experience longer load times if your website is hosted in Italy or Luxembourg. However, if you use a CDN, your content will be delivered quickly and efficiently no matter where it is accessed worldwide. Similarly, web pages on the same website may have vastly different page load times depending on the developer’s choice of content richness, page structure, functionality, and many elements.

A website’s page load time is paramount in today’s world, where online shopping and e-commerce have become increasingly popular. To begin, it’s essential to understand the connection between page load time and organic search results placement. One of the factors that Google’s ranking algorithm considers is how quickly a page load. That’s because Google directs buyers to web content that loads quickly.

Optimizing for page load time has an essential effect on user experience, affecting search engine rankings. Because of how quickly they can make a purchase, customers are more satisfied with their online shopping experience and more likely to purchase. In addition, positive feedback from satisfied customers boosts interest in your brand and, by extension, your sales potential.

The percentage of visitors who leave a website without clicking any links within it is known as the “bounce rate,” It is directly related to how quickly pages load. That means they visit your online store, buy something, and never return. Let’s look at some numbers to help you better understand what we’re talking about.

According to the data, a delay of just one second in the page load time results in a drop of 11% in page views, 16% in customer satisfaction, and, most importantly, 7% in the conversion rate.

51% of customers do not purchase if the website is too slow, and 50% give up if the page doesn’t load in under 3 seconds.

The time it takes a page to load depends on several different things. The hosting environment, the website’s optimization, bandwidth, web page design, and the volume, variety, and weight of its contents are all factors. Location, device, and browser type are a few other factors to consider. Nevertheless, you can increase sales and achieve the fastest page load times with some tweaks.

Recommended Managed Hosting Platforms

Bruce Jones SEO only works with cutting-edge managed Hosting platforms and other technology brands with proven track records. We prioritize uptime, security, and stability above all else. The following platforms and Hosting services are highly recommended, and we also use them in our daily work managing SMB and enterprise websites.

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Business Results

SiteGround website hosting
WP Engine Hosting
Flywheel Host
A2 Hosting


Siteground is a superfast hosting service engineered from Google Cloud technology. All websites hosted by Siteground enjoy speed, security, and reliability at all times. Siteground also provides a custom and ultrafast server implementation of MySQL and PHP for better website performance.

These days, keeping up with changes in PHP is essential, and if your website lags in technology, your customers will likely experience delays and poorer performance.

Avoid this scenario by simply opting for better Hosting services like Siteground. Since WordPress is the most used CMS in the world, Siteground also offers superior WP implementations resulting in WordPress sites running five times faster than other WP sites hosted elsewhere. In addition, enjoy a website with several security features, a 24/7 dashboard for extensive system administration, and smart WAF.

WP Engine

WP Engine is a fully-managed WordPress hosting platform for small businesses and enterprise customers. WP Engine is built with WordPress in mind. The current offerings allow all businesses to hit the ground running and scale their business quickly with a secure and fast Hosting environment with complete control. WP Engine is home to 1.5 million websites, with nearly 200,000 customers worldwide.

This managed hosting platform has certainly scaled in recent years and is a top contender among many similar services on the internet. 65% of all CMS websites now use WP Engine simply because it’s secure and works well.

Plus, you have the added benefit of constantly being updated, and they make sure that all their WordPress sites enjoy frequent and timely updates, on top of protection from the latest threats in cyberspace.

WP Engine is affiliated with many top-ranking brands in digital marketing, including Hubspot, AWS, Cloudflare, Azure, New Relic, and Google Cloud.

Creating a brand new website? Choose from Genesis’ premium themes and plugins, as well as their site-blocking tools, to create stunning websites in no time. In addition, WP Engine works with leading technology companies to optimize their systems for the WordPress platform.

You can pick from more than twenty data centers across the globe to host your site on either a dedicated or shared server(s).

Get managed upgrades and essential WordPress updates automatically, including daily backups and round-the-clock site monitoring. They also offer eCommerce solutions to boost page speeds by as much as 40%, and they conduct weekly testing of the speed of individual pages. They also have managed and free CDN that ensures that sites are delivered rapidly around the world.


Flywheel is a specialized WordPress agency hosting platform with excellent features that make implementation and scaling much more accessible. In addition, Flywheel’s Blueprints saves customers time creating brand-new WordPress websites.

By saving a Flywheel Blueprint of any current website, anyone can reuse that site any number of times. It works like the usual copy and paste, only implemented on a much broader and technologically advanced scale. You can also use that website’s preexisting plugins and themes to create new sites. It’s possible to quickly reuse past work by launching a new site from an existing Blueprint.

Blueprints can help your business save time and money if you provide clients with a “turnkey” solution for new sites. You can generate any number of Blueprints to preserve for future use. As a result, creating websites is now more secure and more accessible, and there’s reduced time needed from when a site is created to the time to market.

Flywheel’s staging sites allow you to separate your lab work from your live environment. So, for example, you can safely test new designs and ideas in a separate sandbox environment that doesn’t go live with every mouse click.

If you are a small business owner, you likely do not have a dedicated IT team or web designer underemployment. However, you probably also do some or most of the work related to web hosting. While we encourage everyone to try our web hosting services, we also want our clients to have fuller control of their Hosting, and services like Flywheel are a great option.

When satisfied with your modifications, you may quickly deploy them to live with a single click. Forget about manually copying all the plugins, themes, and settings. You’re going to make so many mistakes by manually copying everything. Instead, use services like Flywheel, and you will get a much better experience overall. Customers can easily switch between their live and staging sites with just one click.

It is up to you to decide whether the database should be transferred along with the themes and plugins. In either case, we’ll combine your submissions so that none of your edits are lost. Indeed, updates to WordPress frequently cause sites to become inaccessible.

Before making any long-term commitments, you may safely try out new versions with Flywheel’s staging sites. After making sure your modifications appear fine in the test, it’s time to upgrade to the newest version and push them live. A single mouse click is all that’s required, right? It requires only a single mouse click.

A2 Hosting

A2 Hosting is all about dedicated servers and managed Hosting. Dedicated server hosting is the answer to downtimes and problems with surges in traffic. If your business is already established and enjoys daily traffic, then managed dedicated Hosting is the best way to scale your operations safely and securely. A2 Hosting offers packages priced from $185 and up monthly.

Shared Hosting is a cost-effective solution for first-time site creators and owners of modest websites, but it may not be adequate for more complicated sites or those with considerable traffic. On the other hand, dedicated servers offer a scalable, highly customized option for individuals who don’t want to deal with the restrictions and security dangers of shared hosting.

Sites belonging to customers are stored on the servers of an off-site provider, which also handles some or all of the site management tasks, depending on the Hosting package selected.

Shared Hosting services aggregate numerous accounts onto a single server, sharing the latter’s RAM, CPU, and other hardware components to keep prices cheap.

In such a setup, the actions of other sites on the same server can impact your own.

The provider’s basic security procedures may not be able to prevent attacks in cyberspace. Cyber-attacks include the injection of malware through vulnerabilities in the website code or sometimes even brute force attacks to access a website’s dashboard.

A sudden increase in traffic on one site can slow down or interrupt service for other sites. In addition, if a website’s monthly traffic flow reaches a predetermined threshold, the hosting service may terminate the account because shared Hosting is intended for less popular sites.

Dedicated Hosting is a more adaptable, practical, and secure option that helps new and established business websites with the influx of visitors that comes with rapid growth. When using this strategy, a hosting company dedicates an entire server to a single customer and makes all its resources available to them.

Dedicated Hosting may be more expensive than shared Hosting, but it gives users more freedom, security, and control over their websites. In addition, dedicated web hosting allows for increased performance, improved security, complete customer control, and a wide range of other essential services from the dedicated hosting company.



“Working with Bruce has completely changed my business and my approach to SEO. I thought I knew ‘enough’ about SEO to get by but Bruce’s knowledge is next level. He explains it in easy to understand ways so you are always learning. Highly recommend.”

Jackelyn Ho

“After hiring expert after expert who did not do anything for my sites, I found Bruce. In just one hour, I learned more actionable SEO steps from him than I have over the last 6 years of my own DIY research. He wants you to be successful and you can tell he knows exactly what to do to get your there.”

Theresa Puskar

” Bruce is an exceptional individual! His SEO knowledge along with his passion to assist others makes him a one-of-a-kind marketing resource. He puts the intricate pieces of the SEO puzzle into place, so that I can focus my energies on my area of expertise with the absolute knowing that my business is at the top of search lists! I never really saw the benefits of search engine optimization until I started working with Bruce. Deepest appreciation! “

Dain Sunstedt SEO Testimonial

Dain Sundstedt

” Bruce helped me run through a number of technical SEO issues I was experiencing. He was very responsive and professional, and met the same day I sent a request a meeting. Thank Bruce for being there when I needed help, and providing valuable information for me in me SEO endeavors. “

Anne Cottez-Jones SEO Testimonial

Anne Cottez-Jones

” Bruce has done an excellent job with SEO and social media for my French school. He is patient, always on time and the results he brings to the table are fabulous. I get so many new leads for my business because my company is always at the top when people are searching Google for French lessons. Highly recommended! “

Kal P Testimonial

Kal P.

” It’s great to work with Bruce Jones. He is determined to deliver results no matter of the obstacles down the road. Easy to reach By phone, email or Zoom meetings. Quick response time. Highly recommend “

Molly Henry SEO Testimonial

Molly Henry

” Bruce has been an incredibly helpful resource for our mid-size nonprofit organization. He has generously shared his time and talent by walking us through practical and easy-to-understand ways to maximize our online visibility and effectiveness. Highly recommend! “

Bruce Jones, SEO Consultant

About Bruce Jones

SEO Consultant

An expert in the art of search engine optimization strategy and thinking like a customer. Past digital marketing agency owner for 10 years and taught at a local college. Has held 7 Google certifications and always enjoys learning new software and techniques.  Bruce has led many seminars and workshops over the course of his 17 years of experience in SEO consulting.

Bruce Jones, SEO Consultant
SEO Strategy For Improved Business Results

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