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SEO Services for Law Firm: A Complete Guide

by | Jul 5, 2023 | SEO Strategy

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Are you looking for SEO services for law firm?

Bruce Jones SEO has successfully worked with many law firms and legal professionals over the years, bringing websites back to life and making the same websites more accessible and competitive. The top three benefits of getting SEO services for law firm are:

  1.     Enhanced online visibility. Connect with people who need your legal firm’s services.
  2.     Competitiveness. A quick online search reveals that each legal specialty has many strong competitors. Your legal firm can be one of these strong competitors online with SEO.
  3.     More phone calls. The initial effort in SEO taps into the power of Google Business Profile, which is already one space in the most sought-after page of SERPs. Clients can call your law firm from your Google Business Profile.

Please book a consultation with Bruce Jones SEO today and learn more about how our SEO services for law firms can help improve your law firm marketing efforts today.


The Undeniable Value of SEO Services for Law Firm

SEO services for law firms have been effective in recent years. Existing data support this claim. SEO is becoming increasingly important to law firms as a means of online marketing, and proactive law firms are already reaping the benefits.

SEO services for law firm is the most effective marketing strategy for seventy-nine percent of law businesses. Google is the top source of organic traffic for local businesses of every kind. Over thirty percent of all clicks go to the first-placed Google results.

Another essential factoid: the average click-through rate (CTR) for Google’s #1 result is 31.7%. This means roughly one-third of all searchers only look at the top result. SEO services for law firms can boost your law firm’s online visibility and attract new clients.

Approximately sixty-six percent of all calls to legal firms come from organic searches.

The bulk of legal industry phone calls in 2021 came from organic searches. To rephrase, people utilize organic search more than any other method to contact law firms over the phone. They’re more motivated to call legal firms with organic pages on results. Sure, they see the Google Ads. But not all of them are interested in clicking those ads. In short, organic results are more trustable.

US law firms can also thank directories like this one for a large portion of their organic search traffic. US law firms can expect substantial traffic from online directories like YellowPages, Google Business Profile, and Yelp. Ninety-two percent of all Google searches that contain a city and company category feature Yelp inside the top five results.


What’s in a Law Firm SEO Blueprint?

Establish an Attractive, and Efficient Website

Your legal firm’s online presence in the modern day is frequently the initial point of contact between you and a potential client. It’s your opportunity to make a good impression on potential clients who happen upon your website.

A fantastic law company logo and professional photos are a brilliant place to begin. Then, briefly but precisely, list the services you offer and the areas of law you practice. Ensure your contact information is front and center, and highlight any honors, recognitions, or extraordinary experiences you may have.


Optimize Your Legal Website

If you build a website to advertise your law practice, but no one ever visits it because it doesn’t come up in search results, how many customers are you likely to get?

Ensuring your legal firm’s website is optimized for search engines is essential. Your site must have a professional design. Meaningful, high-quality information is a must. This is the information that Google and other search engines scour the web for. Make sure your content is optimized for long-tail keywords.


Claim Online Business Profiles

Clients can find you online through your legal firm’s website, but that’s not the only place they can look. Numerous free internet profiles can be claimed, from those on review sites like Yelp to those on local state bar directories.


Start a Social Media Presence

It would help if you advertised in places frequented by your target audience to win over new customers online. This is the realm of social media in the modern era. With so many options, it can be challenging to determine which social media channels are appropriate for your law firm and specialty. Your legal firm’s expansion can benefit significantly from the strategic use of social media marketing.


Start on Active Reputation Management

Clients may leave evaluations if you’ve established a strong internet presence for your law practice via SEO services for law firm.

These need to be managed very carefully. The 2021 Legal Trends Report discovered that 82 percent of customers searched for client evaluations when in need of legal representation, and 81 percent looked for referrals. Critical comments won’t hurt, but a steady trickle could scare off customers.

After each case, it should be standard practice to request an online evaluation, especially if the client is particularly pleased. However, before submitting your request, be sure it abides by the advertising guidelines of your state bar. You shouldn’t just brush off criticism. When replying to a client’s comments, it is in the best interest of your online reputation to follow standard procedures, too.


Start on Content Marketing for Law Firms

Do you have a natural writing talent?  Use it to expand your legal practice. Building your reputation and credibility through blogging or content marketing, in general, is a smart move. If not, it’s best to discuss content creation and content marketing for law firms with SEO services for law firm.

Content allows you to demonstrate your mastery of a subject area. Building trust and confidence with customers requires answering their general queries. You increase your chances of getting hired if you prove you have extensive knowledge in a particular fired.


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