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Bruce Jones SEO Can Help Entrepreneurs Get Their Business On The First Page Of Search Engines
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SEO For Entrepreneurs

by | Feb 22, 2022 | SEO Strategy

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So you must be an entrepreneur looking for some marketing help, congratulations on your new business startup.

I bet you are looking for ways to find new customers or some help researching what people are searching for online to help decide on a business model for your small business startup.

SEO is a great way to help your business be found online by potential customers. You can do SEO yourself or hire someone to do it for you.

Here are some tips for doing SEO for your business:

Research keywords that people are searching for that are related to your business

One of the most important things you can do for your website’s SEO is to choose the right keywords. Keywords are the words or phrases that potential customers will use when they search for your product or service. When choosing keywords, it is important to think like your customer and choose words that they are likely to use. You can use keyword research tools like Google AdWords Keyword Planner or Moz Keyword Explorer to find popular keywords related to your business.

Use those keywords in your website content, titles, and descriptions

As an entrepreneur, you know that keywords are important. You use them to research your market, target your audience, and create content that ranks in search engines. But did you know that you can also use keywords to improve your website’s SEO?

Here’s how:

– Use keywords in your website content, titles, and descriptions.

– Choose a keyword-rich domain name for your website.

– Use keywords in your page URLs.

– Optimize your images with keyword-rich file names and alt tags.

By using keywords throughout your website, you can help search engines understand what your site is about and improve your chances of ranking higher in search results.

Build links to your website from other websites

One way to build links to your website is by guest blogging. You can write blog posts for other websites in your industry, and in return, you can include a link back to your own website. This is a great way to get exposure for your website and to build relationships with other businesses in your industry.

Another way to build links is through directory listings. There are many online directories that list websites in various industries. By submitting your website to these directories, you can increase the visibility of your site and attract new visitors.

Building links to your website takes time and effort, but it’s worth it if you want to improve your search engine ranking and drive more traffic to your site.

Make sure your website is mobile-friendly

One of the most important things you can do for your website’s SEO is to make sure it is mobile friendly. In today’s world, more and more people are accessing the internet from their mobile devices, and if your website is not optimized for mobile, you will likely lose out on a lot of potential traffic.

There are a few different ways you can make sure your website is mobile friendly. First, you can use responsive design, which means that your site will automatically adjust to fit whatever screen size it is being viewed on. Alternatively, you can create a separate mobile version of your site that users will be redirected to when they visit your site from a mobile device.

Submit your website to search engines like Google and Bing

As an entrepreneur, one of your main goals is to get your website seen by as many people as possible. And submitting your site to search engines is a great way to do that.

Submitting your website to search engines like Google and Bing is a fairly simple process. But it’s important to note that you’ll need to submit your site separately to each engine.

To submit your site to Google, simply go to their “Add URL” page and enter in the URL of your website. For Bing, head over to their “Submit Site” page and follow the instructions there.

Both Google and Bing will then crawl your website and index it in their search results. 

By following these tips, you can help improve your website’s ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs), which will ultimately lead to more traffic and customers for your business.

If you don’t have a running business yet and you just have a new business idea that’s an even better spot to start hiring Bruce Jones SEO Consultant.

We provide your business with Search Engine Optimization consultation. We don’t just speak about hypothetical businesses but we work with you on your business.

A little SEO consultation can go a long way in helping you to decide on a good business name, domain name for your website and identifying what problems your new business could solve related to what people are searching for in Google.

As I was crafting this post I was doing some keyword research myself related to SEO for entrepreneurs.

Here are the number of times people search Google every month for these phrases below.  I used that knowledge in the strategy of how I wrote this post.  We can do the same for you related to your own business model and your own website.

  • SEO for entrepreneurs – 0 Google searches per month –  1,610 SEO competitors
  • marketing for entrepreneurs – 2,400 Google searches per month –  76,000 SEO competitors
  • inbound marketing for entrepreneurs – 10 Google searches per month – 155 SEO competitors
  • search engine optimization for entrepreneurs – 0 Google searches per month – 324 SEO competitors

By the way, getting these numbers was easy if you know how, I used a free keyword tool and a special Google search that told me how many pages used that keyword in their title tag.  These will be one of the first things I’ll do once we do SEO strategy & target audiences.

All of our SEO strategies are personalized to your business needs.

For more info check out this article on Entrepreneur Magazine about SEO for entrepreneurs and why it is so important for their startup businesses. 

Will SEO work for all entrepreneurs and all different kinds of startups? Most likely but let’s have a conversation to go over your ideas and I’ll explain in more detail and see if we’re a good fit.

Does SEO really work at all? Well, you happened to have found this page somehow so that might answer your question.

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